Swedish Military Expert Warns: Ukraine’s Military Solution a Mirage!


A former Swedish army commander confirms Ukraine's inability to end the conflict militarily

  Former Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces Johan Hedderstedt, in an interview with the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, said that Ukraine would not be able to end the conflict by military means.

  He added: "I do not see a military solution to this conflict. To say that increasing the supply of artillery batteries and shells will save Ukraine is a fantasy."

  The former commander of the Swedish army drew attention to the powerful pace of development of the Russian military-industrial complex, which, according to him, Ukraine cannot keep up with even with a three-fold increase in supplies from the West.

  “Ukraine will need an incredible number of long-range weapons systems to combat ground and air targets, armored vehicles, mine-clearing vehicles, as well as up to 500,000 soldiers on the front line,” Hedderstedt concluded.

  It is noteworthy that the Russian side has announced many times that Western military aid will not save Ukraine, and will only prolong the conflict.

 Russia stresses that transferring weapons to Ukraine will become a legitimate target for the Russian army.