Shane Gillis Roasts His Own SNL Firing: ‘Don’t Google That’

In a candid and self-aware monologue, comedian Shane Gillis took the stage as the host of Saturday Night Live (SNL) and addressed the elephant in the room: his controversial firing from the show back in 2019.

With a mix of humor, humility, and a dash of irreverence, Gillis tackled the topic head-on, urging viewers not to Google the details.

The Backstory

For those unfamiliar with the saga, Shane Gillis was initially hired as a cast member for SNL's 45th season. However, his tenure was short-lived. Just days after the announcement, resurfaced clips from his podcast revealed him using racist and homophobic slurs.

The backlash was swift, and Gillis found himself unceremoniously ousted from the iconic late-night sketch show.

The Monologue

Gillis, standing under the bright studio lights, began by acknowledging the obvious: "Most of you probably have no idea who I am." The audience chuckled, aware of the irony.

He continued, "I was fired from this show a while ago." The crowd's laughter mixed with a hint of sympathy.

The comedian then delved into his experiences since that fateful firing. He shared anecdotes about coaching sports, navigating family dynamics, and even owning a coffee shop.

Gillis's delivery was unapologetic, his timing impeccable. He looked every bit the seasoned stand-up comic, despite his rocky start on the SNL stage.

The Jokes

Here are some highlights from Gillis's monologue:

  • Getting Older and Chasing Dreams: Gillis riffed on the passage of time, poking fun at his own aging process. "I used to think I'd be a rock star by now," he quipped. "Instead, I'm here, talking to you fine folks."

  • The High School Coach Look: With a wry smile, Gillis compared himself to a high school coach. "I've got that vibe, right?" he asked. "Like I should be yelling at kids to run faster."

  • Little Boys as Gay Best Friends: The comedian playfully explored the unique bond between little boys and their moms. "They're like tiny gay best friends," he mused. "Always there to listen and offer fashion advice."

  • His Niece with Down Syndrome: Gillis's longest routine centered around his niece, who has Down syndrome. He shared heartwarming and hilarious stories, celebrating her resilience and infectious joy.

The Takeaway

Shane Gillis's return to *SNL* was a bold move. By addressing his past head-on, he defied expectations and embraced vulnerability. Whether you agree with his humor or not, there's no denying that he owned the stage. As the credits rolled, Gillis left viewers with a parting plea: "Don't Google that." But let's be honest—we all did anyway.